Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based form of alternative medicine. It is used to treat a variety of conditions by triggering specific point on the skin with needles. The needles are as thin as a strand of hair. Acupuncture has been practiced for over 2,500 years and it is not an overtly painful procedure you may be imagining. It’s said to be able to treat everything from depression and allergies to morning sickness and cramps.
In ancient China acupuncture needles were made with gold, silver, bamboo, stone, etc. Now they are made of Stainless Steel and are disposable, so it is sanitary. Acupuncture gained its popularity in the US after President Nixon had to undergo an emergency surgery in China in 1972. It is said that after having an acupuncture session post-surgery gave him great pain relief.
Acupuncture was originally meant to prevent medical conditions, but we now know today it can be used to help relieve a number of different medical conditions. Acupuncture is highly individualized and is a different course of treatment for each person. There are so many benefits of Acupuncture, the most popular are depression, headaches, migraines, neck pain, knee pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, sore throat, rheumatoid arthritis, and so much more. Overall it promotes relaxation, improves sleep, boosts your energy, and decreases musculoskeletal pain.
Why should you try it?
Its personalized healthcare
Gets to the root of the problem,
It helps to improve your overall health, you may go there to treat your neck pain and find that your sleep quality, stress level, digestion, and mood improves as well.
Acupuncture is recognized by well-known and leading national and international Health organizations. Such as The U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA), The World Health Organization, and many more.
It is affordable health care. Most insurances will pay most if not all of your treatment. Even if it does not cover there are plenty of cash options to work with almost everyone’s budget.
About our practitioner
Sam (shangchun) Yu graduated from Jiang xi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2010 completing his Bachelors degree. He worked in a large hospital in China for 6 years and since arriving in NZ has spent his time working in both clinic and private practice treating. He has vast experience treating various conditions relating to internal health issues such as digestion and immunity, with also an interest in musculoskeletal conditions through sports and everyday injuries. He is passionate about using his vast experience to help people and positively impact the community.
Acc and Insurance
Our practitioners are recognised by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) as Treatment Providers. Members are obliged to adhere to the Acupuncture NZ ACC Requirements.
Injuries can be registered by seeing a doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor and a few other treatment specialists.
Once a claim has been accepted by ACC you may choose to us for your treatment. It is not necessary to be referred to an acupuncturist by your GP, physiotherapist or other health provider.
Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ)
With a referral from a GP, those who are registered with Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) may be eligible for some assistance with payment for treatment.
Health Insurance
The following Insurance companies and organisations recognise members of Acupuncture NZ and will reimburse some of the cost of treatment.
Southern Cross Medical Care Society
Acupuncture is covered under the “The Wellbeing Plan” which allows for up to $400-00 per year for acupuncture treatment.
Health Service Welfare Society ( HSWS )
PSIS Health Care
Only for those who had policies beginning prior to 2004.
EBS Health Care (Education Benevolent Society)
This Insurance covers those in the Education Sector who are a member of their Union.
The following organisations also cover all or some of the cost of acupuncture treatment for their employees: NZ Police, Air New Zealand, Kiwi Rail, and Veteran’s Affairs.